Friday, June 12, 2009

Capital High School - Capital Green Project

Paula Iveland and Debora Ghoreyeb, both participants of the Earth Care Teacher Institute and teachers at Capital High School in Santa Fe, have organized Capital Green Project (CGP). The CGP is a collaboration of over ten teachers—from many disciplines, hundreds of students, and a number of community organizations and businesses. Classes who were involved in the project were: special education, computer aided design (CAD), visual arts, science, history, ESL writing, reading and student government.

CGP strives to intertwine themes of sustainability and environmental stewardship in an academically rigorous and evocative way. The interdisciplinary approach of the project has allowed an authentic space for youth leadership, expression, and collaboration through the use of hands-on activities, such as landscape design, rainwater catchment installations, and a student-created mural and beautification project. Students learned about plant and soil biology and ecosystems by designing, and growing flowers throughout the Capital High courtyard. Students also reflected on the relationship and interaction between the land and human society through various readings.

The project culminated on Earth Day with the unveiling of the completed student mural and landscaping projects, as well as the dedication and naming of the courtyard space, El Sol. The Earth Day celebration was attended by hundreds of students, teachers, faculty, and community members.